Not your everyday mac n cheese, this recipe is very rich. It is just a tad spicy with the red pepper and dijon mustard. Even with the little bit of spice...
I received this recipe on-line from Yahoo! Lifestyle today and just had to post it. We just bought 3 prime rib roasts to freeze because they were on sale...
Fresh sweet potatoes, sliced onions and sweet apples cut and roasted with organic agave syrup, apple cider vinegar, olive oil and some spices makes this...
From Bear to Marianne - our lovable Polish foodie. Note from Bear - Filled pierogies can be frozen 1 month. Freeze on a tray until firm, about 2 hours,...
This was a made up on the spot recipe, because I was craving honey teriyaki chicken, but didn't want to go out to eat. It is savory, sweet, and amazingly...
My picky eater loves these, I usually serve this with a salad or vegetable & fruit. I actually get thanked for making these, it's a winner every time....
Ever want a delicious treat that both you and your pup can enjoy?, the Airbnb for pets, has created the perfect no-bake peanut butter treats...
This is "the best" blueberry-lemonade iced tea I've ever had. Frozen (unsweetened) blueberries, Ocean Spray's Blueberry Juice Cocktail, sugar-free lemonade...
A delicious meat-free take on a shepherd's pie from VegNews. We really enjoy this - nice and filling with plenty of flavor. I have successfully subbed...
This is a crispy fried chicken recipe in the style of Popeyes. The main goal of this recipe is to emulate their crispy crust. I spent a lot of time researching...
This is a classic, old-fashioned stuffed bell pepper. The recipe is adapted from Weight Watchers Take 5 - 150 Five-Ingredient Recipes cookbook. I use red...
I love stuffing and have always been disappointed that there is just never enough of it. This makes a large quantity and tastes delicious. Handy too because...
I made this for my friend Lori's Mother's birthday dinner. It was on a Friday night after a very busy week. I made a pound cake and then dressed it up,...
My dad used to make a variation of this soup when I was a little girl. I think this was just one of his made up recipes as my dad never completely followed...
This quiche is easy to make and really tasty. You can use any kind of cheese combination. Grate the cheese on the large holes of the grater. This is a...
Ready, Set, Cook! Reynolds Wrap Contest Entry. This is a spicy yellow wax pepper flavored chowder, with a sweeter creamy flavor from the cream cheese to...
A nice quick easy, recipe the family can enjoy on a weekday night. An adopted recipe I have had that I have tweaked. The original recipe had half the ingredients...
Girl Scouts have a great long history. I tracked this recipe down from the Girl Scout official website.
These are great served with the Texican Shredded Pork recipe I've posted as a topping on tostados, but its also good in burritos or as a side for fajitas...
Wow! Enough said. Actually, this is the most incredible creamy pasta dish ever created. It's courtesy of Chef Gus Martin, from Dickie Brennan's Palace...
This is an adapted recipe - it was initially published in "The Best Slow & Easy Recipes" by the editors of Cook's Illustrated ( 2008, $35) using boneless...
I was inspired by Recipe #76861, but went crazy while making it again and changed it up quite a bit. For best flavor, make this the night before serving,...
Every panaderia (bakery) in Puerto Rico has many flavors of flan, from vanilla to guava. Reduced-fat cream cheese gives this version a rich, comforting...
So outrageously good, you can't stop eating it. Got this recipe from my sister in-law. Have no idea where she got it from. I liked it best with Tostitos...
This is a copycat recipe, after the Killer Shrimp restaurant in Southern California. This is the most authentic recipe I have found -with some minor adjustments,...